Modules by Johnny Kind (View all authors)
Unix time conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert Unix time to a readable date, unix, UT, GMT, seconds, epoch, milliseconds
Calendar (Johnny Kind)
Choose a Year and Month and a calendar is displayed, date, day, month, year, calendar
Date/Time Difference (Johnny Kind)
Calcualte the difference in days, hours, minutes, and seconds between two dates, day, date, difference, hour, minute, second, between
Determine Day and Week Number (Johnny Kind)
Calculate the day number and week number of a given date, date, day, week, number, julian, calendar, daynumber, weeknumber
Currency Converter (Johnny Kind)
Currency Converter, converts between various currencies.
Date Converter - How old? (Johnny Kind)
Find out when someones birthday must be on or before to be a certain age today, birthday, age, on or before, old, enough, 21, 18, 16, date, you must be 21
Extreme Funny Videos (Johnny Kind)
A video colection with extreme funny videos, accidents, shocking movies etc
Butter Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert between sticks of butter, and various volume and weight units; butter, margarine, weight, volume, stick, grams, pound, ounces
Cooking Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Common conversions used in the kitchen; drop, dash, pinch, liter, gallon, cup, ounce, gill, can
Binary Digit Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert computer memory, hard drive, and data numbers; byte, bit, mb, gb, kb, kilobyte, gigabyte, computer, hd, memory
Download Speed Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Calculate time to download large files with different modem speeds, download, speed, modem, files, time
Electric Capacitance Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert between different units of electric capacitance: capacitance, capacitor, electric, electronic, farad
Electricity Converter (Johnny Kind)
The electricity converter convert between various electricity measuring units.
The Electrician's Converter (Johnny Kind)
Based on two of any of the following values, it can calcute: the voltage, the current, the resistance and the power of electricity.
Women Clothing Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert women clothing sizes from different countries: blouses, sweaters, dresses, U.S., U.K., Europe, Japan
Angle Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert between different angle measurements: radians, mils, gradients, degrees, minutes, seconds, points, circle, angle, angles
Beyonce Calendar (Johnny Kind)
Beyonce Calendar is a calendar gadget for the Beyonce fans.
Cursul Valutar (Johnny Kind)
Cursul valutar afiseaza cursul valutar pentru ziua in curs pentru principalele valute (aprox. 20)
Calculate volts, amperes, ohms and watts (Johnny Kind)
Calculate the volts, amperes, ohms or watts based on 2 known values of these measures; in other words, you need to know to in order to find out the other 2.
Percentage Gain and Loss Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Calculate the percentage of increase/decrease between two units.
Pressure Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Type your value in a box, click your mouse anywhere on the page (or press tab key) and enjoy the results.
Quadratic Equation Solver (Johnny Kind)
This script will factor and solve for both values of X, any quadratic equation that has real number solutions.
Room Size Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Find the approximate room size you will need depending on your room setup and arrangement - useful if you are planning to host an exposition, a party, a banquet, design a class room etc
US Airport Distances Calculator (Johnny Kind)
This useful gadget will tell you the degrees, Nautical Miles, Statute Miles, and Kilometers between your originating and destination airports. It's got a built-in database of over 150 of the most trav...
Starea Vremii in Romania (Johnny Kind)
Gadgetul afiseaza starea vremii din Romania. Nu are nevoie de nici o setare, judetul se schimba automat sau atunci cand faceti click oriunde pe fereastra gadgetului
Wind Speed Converter (Johnny Kind)
Convert wind speeds between Miles per hour, kilometers per hour, knots, metres per second, feet per second
Area Converter (Johnny Kind)
Convert between U.S./Imperial and SI (Metric) units. Type your value in a box, click the GO button next to that box, and all unit conversions in the same category will be calculated.
Asteroid Impact Crater Calculator (Johnny Kind)
The gadget calculates the effects of the impact of an object hitting the earth. To operate the calculator, enter desired values to describe an impactor and press the Calculate button. You may change a...
Circle Solver (Johnny Kind)
Cannot remember the formulas for the other two parts of a circle (area, diameter, or circumference) when you only know one? To the rescue is Circle Solver. Enter the circle area, diameter, or circumfe...
Kaleidoskop (Johnny Kind)
Kaleidoskop is a nice flash animation that will change when you move the mouse cursor over it
Complex Unit Converter (Johnny Kind)
Convert multiple properties: Acceleration, Area, Torque, Electricity, Energy, Force, Length, Light, Mass, Mass Flow, Density, Mass capacity, Power, Pressure, Stress, Temperature, Time, Velocity, Speed...
Cosine Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Enter the adjacent and hypotenuse angle values and the gadget will solve the cosine angle for you
Day of the Week Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Calculate what day of the week a given date was. It works for leap years and also tells you whether the date is in the past future or today
Earthquake Power Calculator (Johnny Kind)
This Java Script calculator gives an estimate of the amount of energy released during an earthquake. The estimate is computed from the Richter magnitude; energy is shown in Joules and the equivalent i...
Excercise Calorie Calculator (Johnny Kind)
This calorie calculator calculates calories burned during a period of time in any activity or excercise. Enter your body weight and the average time you spend during one of the exercises or activities...
Kinetic Energy Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Solve any of three variables in a Kinetic Energy equation using this script. Simply enter two of the three values and submit to find the value of the third variable
Latitude-Longitude Converter (Johnny Kind)
Convert latitude and longitude from degree decimal to degree, minutes, and seconds and vice versa. This script will also find the farthest point from the point entered, as well as the distance
Length Conversion (Johnny Kind)
Convert between U.S./Imperial and SI (Metric) units. Type your value in a box, click the Go button next to that box, and all unit conversions in the same category will be calculated.
Morse Code Translator (Johnny Kind)
Converts an English word or phrase into it's Morse Code combination of dots and dashes
Number Writer (Johnny Kind)
This script takes a number and converts it to its English equivalent. If you enter 45678 in the number box and click the appropriate button, Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred Seventy Eight appears in th...
Prime Number Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Just enter a number and it will tell you if it's prime or not
Roman Numeral Converter (Johnny Kind)
Convert Arabic numerals to roman numerals with the click of a button. Numbers work up to the tens of billions
Speed of Sound Calculator (Johnny Kind)
Calculate the speed of sound. The speed of sound is dependent on the density of the air...and the density of the air is dependent on the temperature of the air
Counts Words, Lines and Characters (Johnny Kind)
This gadget will count the characters, words and lines in any text you will write (or copy/paste) in the textfield
What is your IP (Johnny Kind)
The title is very descriptive, I do not know what can I say more :) So, the gadget will display your IP as well as other information about your computer and your network (service provider) ISP
Arithmetic Complex Calculator (Johnny Kind)
The complex arithmetic calculator will execute for you all the arithmetic operations you don't really excel at :) If you don't know how to use it click the title and it will lead you to the gadget pag...
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By Ksikes/ Lenssen. Modules/ gadgets/ widgets by respective author.
Not affiliated with Google™. Enjoy!
By Ksikes/ Lenssen. Modules/ gadgets/ widgets by respective author.
Not affiliated with Google™. Enjoy!